VPL – Transport Planning

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MATSim Singapore in operation

Research focus

The chair for Transport Planning mainly works on following tasks:

Elaboration of new knowldege and techniques in order to observe, measure, describe, model and assess spatial behaviour, especially travel behaviour.

Enlarged view: Transport atlas of Switzerland
Transport atlas of Switzerland

Transfering travel behaviour to demand and network models through education and applied research, in order to economically assess behaviour modifications.

Enlarged view: MATSim - Agent-based modeling
MATSim - Agent-based modeling


The chair collaborates with the following partners and institutions in order to finance their projects and dissertations.

ETH Zurich Research Grants

ETH Grants ETH Zurich Research Grants

Innosuisse - Swiss Innovation Agency

external page Innosuisse Swiss Innovation Agency

Swiss National Science Foundation

external page SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation 

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