Students' Presentations
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Bachelor-Studierende
- Bauingenieurwissenschaften BSc

Bachelors' and seminar papers from the Autumn semester 2017.
Elements of Access
- News
- Mobility
- Urban design

Traffic, human behaviour, activity location and accessibility aimed to be communicated to the public.
Traffic Forecasting Christmas and New Year 2017/2018
- External
- Press release
- News
- Mobility

Christmas time is just around the corner. Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands are going to have holidays from 21 December 2017 till 7 January 2018.
Simplyfing Mobility
- External
- News
- Press release
- Mobility

The Federal Council plans to facilitate mobility through access to information systems.
Demand-Based Parking Prices
- External
- News
- Mobility
- Spatial planning

In San Francisco citywide.
Driverless buses trial operation in Shenzhen
- External
- News
- Mobility

Four smart buses began a trial operation in Futian Bonded Zone in Shenzhen on Saturday.
No Nationwide Coach Services
- External
- News
- Press release
- Mobility

No nationwide coach services as per the new timetable change in December 2017.
Mobility Must Be Questioned
- News
- Mobility

Why autonomous cars will not impede traffic congestions, and why we should make use of combined mobility.
Mobility of yesterday, today and tomorrow
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning

Professor Dr Kay W. Axhausen about today's transport systems challenges at the central conference in Lucerne.
Spatial Development and Transport Systems
- News
- Mobility
- Spatial planning

Autonomous vehicles - Prospects and risks for spatial development
- External
- Mobility
- Events

2nd International conference on sustainable mobility, industry and innovation.
Big Data - Results from Japan
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT-Seminar: Trip purpose, route choice, and effects of new high speed rail services.
Intelligent Public Transportation
- External
- Mobility
- Events
- International

3rd Workshop at the IEEE ITSC Conference in Yokohama.
The higher the education, the longer the duty stroke
- News
- Mobility

The higher the education and salary, the more commuters change their jobs.
Comparison of Diesel, Hybrid and Electric Propulsion Systems of Busses
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Doktorat D-BAUG

IVT-Seminar: Public dissertation presentation.
"Switzerland: Paradise for Transportation Enthusiasts"
- News
- Mathematics
- Civil engineering
- Mobility

Prof. Dr. Francesco Corman about development and future of transport systems.
A.I. – Connecting the Dots
- External
- Mobility
- Social sciences
- Computer and information technology
- Events

Exhibition, keynote, talks: How does Artificial Intelligence work? What is it really capable of?
RAMS/LCC for Rail Projects
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Reliability, availability, maintainability, risk, safety, life-cycle cost for rail projects.
Reforming Regional Passenger Traffic
- External
- News
- Press release
- Mobility

Two versions promise long-term assurance for the Swiss regional passenger traffic.
Future Cities / Transactions
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning
- Urban design

2nd FCL Annual Conference: Exchanging knowledge between Asia and Switzerland.
MATSim Special Session
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

6th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2017) in Haifia, Israel.
Mass Evacuation at the Desktop PC
- External
- News
- Mobility

How to route masses of people with minimal complications.
Swiss Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
- External
- News
- Press release
- Mobility
- Spatial planning

Federal biodiversity policy, agriculture, spatial planning, transport and economic development.
Recent Advances in TomTom
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT-Seminar with Åse Elvebakk about TomTom Traffic in Europe.
Autonomous cars and zero marginal cost transport economy
- News
- Mobility

Pieter Fourie about large-scale, agent-based transport demand models for Singapore.
Public transit mapping on multi-modal networks in MATSim
- News
- Mobility
- Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme MSc
- Master-Studierende

Master's thesis has been awarded by the VSS 2017 price.
- External
- News
- Mobility
- Urban design
The MIT Senseable City Lab unveils recreational movement in urban areas.
Project COOP
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT-Seminar: Cooperative freeway driving strategies in a mixed environment – driverless and traditional vehicles.
Researching the Cities of the Future
- News
- Mobility
- Urban design
The tropical city of Singapore should become cooler, more liveable and more environmentally friendly.
Mobility Pricing
- External
- News
- Mobility

Mobility pricing balances traffic peaks and optimizes utilisation on roads and rails.
Further Progress with MACML
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT-Seminar with Professor C.R. Bhat about multinominal probit.
Traffic Forecasting Summer 2017
- External
- News
- Press release
- Mobility

Travellers have to expect main congestions north and southbound, corresponding idle times, as well.
Autonomous Vehicles on the Fast Lane?
- News
- Mobility

Actual digitalisation and automation in the transportation sector.
Research Groups' Presentations
- Past Events
- Doktorat D-BAUG

IVV/IVT Seminar: Current work from the research groups.
IVT Students' Presentations
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Civil engineering
- Spatial planning
- Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme MSc
- Bauingenieurwissenschaften MSc

Masters' theses Spring semester 2017.
Increasing Traffic Congestions
- External
- News
- Press release
- Mobility

Due to capacity overload and accidents on Swiss national roads.
Bike to the future in Leeds and Delft
- News
- Mobility
- Architecture
- Urban design

Engaging Mobility Blog: Two occasions in May 2017 to present our ongoing work on cycling and virtual reality.
Energy Systems in Transition and Sustainable Mobility
- Past Events
- Sustainability
- Mobility
- Climate sciences

A European Campus of Excellence (ECE) summer school on energy at the EPF Lausanne and the ETH Zurich.
Diversity, Accessibility and its Impact on Vehicle Ownership and Residential Location Choices
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning
- Urban design

IVT-Seminar: Public dissertation presentation.
Mobile phone data and the study of human mobility
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT-Seminar about Big Data and Transportation with M. Vanhoof, Newcastle University.
IVT Students' Presentations
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning
- Bauingenieurwissenschaften BSc

Bachelors' and seminar projects Spring semester 2017.
Agent based modeling conference in Sao Paulo
- News
- Mobility

Engaging Mobility Blog: Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Sytems (AAMAS 2017) conference in Sao Paulo.
New Assistant Professor for Transport Systems
- News
- Mobility
Dr Francesco Corman has been appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor.
Swiss Transport Research Conference
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning

Swiss transport and land-use researchers' conference.
The Swiss are Airborne 9000km per Year
- External
- News
- Press release
- Mobility
Micro Census Mobility and Traffic 2015.
Uber Elevate
- External
- News
- Mobility

Fast-forwarding to the future of on-demand, urban air transportation.
Wagon Capacity and Dynamic Hub Planning
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Civil engineering

IVT guest lecture about current topics at SBB.
Tram Project Belgrade
- External
- Press release
- Mobility

The grand finale after 16 years.
Collaborative Behavior in a Multi-agent Micro-simulation
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning
- Doktorierende
- Doktorat D-BAUG

IVT-Seminar: Public dissertation presentation.