TMP – Transportation and Mobility Planning
Our research focuses on understanding how the built and social environment can impact mobility and consequently health, emissions, and liveability. By gaining these insights, we can find solutions to design cities that improve the quality and sustainability of life.

We focus on conducting empirical research in the area of transport and mobility. We have a strong interest in methodological improvement and are keen to work on policy-relevant research. We are experienced in collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data, including cohort data (i.e. longitudinal panel data), natural experiments, noise and air pollution measurements, survey design, interviews and focus groups.

Our vision is to contribute to a more sustainable, more secure, healthier, and more inclusive transport system offering equal opportunities for all potential travelers. To achieve this, our research aim is to understand which interventions could result in a change in transport externalities and in the way individuals travel, what this process of change looks like, and to attribute this change to personal, social and spatial characteristics and interventions via causal mechanisms. We have applied this interest to a variety of challenges and areas, including: cycling; walking; the relationship between the built environment and travel behavior; the stability and variability of behavior; the influence of identity, norms, and other psychological constructs on behavior; livability; air and noise pollution; traffic safety as well as crime and personal security.
Sustainable mobility -
Safe transportation -
Healthy transportation -
Inclusive mobility
Latest publications
Head of research group
Deputy head of Inst. Transport Planning and Systems
Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsplanung
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5