Evolution of Sydney's trams and trains network
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- Mobility

University of Sydney’s TransportLab on network growth.
The (police) agency problem: Police use of deadly force
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- Political science

Colloquium with Professor Scott J. Cook who is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at Texas A&M University, United States.
Homo economicus vs the reptilian brain
- Past Events
- Behavioural sciences

IVT Seminar with Professor Stephane Hess, University of Leeds: Bridging the gap between choice modelling, mathematical psychology and neuro-science.
Smart trains with no driver
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- Zukunftsblog
- Mobility

Autonomous trains are on their way – in fact they’re already here, and there’s very little public discussion about it.
Establishing policy frameworks for autonomous vehicles
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- Mobility

Which policy frameworks are required in order to gain societal benefit from this novel kind of transportation?
PT network design in the age of autonomous vehicles
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- Awards
- Mobility
- Raumentwicklung und Infrastruktursysteme MSc

Genetic algorithms are designing efficient and demand-driven public transportation networks. Patrick Manser receives for his master's thesis the VSS price 2018.