Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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ISTP-Colloquium with Professor A. Kangarlu from the NYSPI MRI research center at Columbia University in New York City.
About Prof. Alayar Kangarlu
Alayar Kangarlu is the Director of the physics and engineering group at NYSPI MRI research center at Columbia University in New York City. He is also an associate professor of neurobiology at the department of Psychiatry and a senior physicist with the New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI).
Alayar was trained in experimental physics with emphasis on spectroscopy. His research is concentrated on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and its affiliated technology and its application in medicine. He is responsible for development of new imaging, spectroscopic and functional techniques which are carried out in MRI at this department.
NYSPI owns a GE 3T MR750 MRI/S scanner for which Alayar and his team develop specialized radio frequency (RF) coils and pulse sequences to help scientists to explore their neurosciences ideas in the human brain. The role of MRI in unraveling mysteries of brain is well established and in this regard Columbia Psychiatry is a frontier in the use of this tool in research in etiology of neuropsychiatric diseases. Alayar and his colleagues are improving the imaging tools for brain research to further expand potentials of NMR in unraveling the inner working of the human brain and mechanism of neuropsychiatric disorders.