Optimization of shared on-demand transportation

Public dissertation presentation by Zahra Ghandeharioun.

Date, time, and venue

Monday, 18 March 2024, 10:00-11:00
HCI J2, ETH Hönggerberg, Zurich

This is a hybrid event. Seating on-site is limited, however, external pageonline attendance is without restrictions.


Dr. Zahra Ghandeharioun
  • HIL F 34.2

Gruppe Strassenverkehrstechnik
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

Dr.  Zahra Ghandeharioun


Urban growth globally increases urban commuting, causing congestion, pollution, and health risks. Technology-driven transportation innovations, like on-demand and shared mobility services, aim to address these challenges. Integrating these with public transit could revolutionize transportation. This thesis explores optimizing on-demand transportation in cities through three methods:

  1. Analyzing historical travel time data improves accuracy, benefiting traffic optimization and congestion identification.
  2. Implementing a real-time shuttle ridesharing algorithm reduces waiting times and in-car delays for taxi rides in Manhattan.
  3. Developing precise short-term demand forecasting models, particularly using deep learning techniques, enhances prediction accuracy.

This research provides insights for optimizing urban traffic operations, improving ridesharing services, and efficiently planning fleet dispatching.

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