Traffic safety impact and user acceptance of the smart connected bike
IVT Seminar with Georgios Kapousizis from the University of Twente.

Date, time and venue
Monday 27 May, 15.00-16.00
HIL F 36.1, ETH Hönggerberg, Zurich
The last two decades have seen a growing trend towards e-bikes. Due to the increasing cost of living and the shift to environmentally friendly transport modes, the number of e-bikes will continue to increase. The growing popularity of e-bikes has many advantages, but at the same time bicycle crashes have increased, especially those involving e-bikes. In a recent attempt to reduce e-bike crashes there has been a surge of interest in smart bicycle technologies to reduce cycling crashes. In this presentation, we talk about users' acceptance and willingness to pay for smart bicycle technologies affecting cycling safety based on a European survey.