Mobility, transportation, sustainable development, spatial planning and health
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Eva Heinen has been Professor of Transportation and Mobility Planning in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at ETH Zurich since July 2024. Her interdisciplinary research looks at mobility and transportation at the intersection of sustainable development, spatial planning and health.
Gerechtes städtisches Verkehrsmanagement mit Karma-Staugebühren
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Die meisten Städte erheben keine Gebühren für Autofahrten, aber ist dies gerecht? Immerhin sind Lärm und Verschmutzung für Anwohner und Geschäfte negative externe Effekte. Staus zu Spitzenzeiten verschwenden wertvolle Lebenszeit, Geld und Kraftstoff. Sollte das Autofahren in der Stadt kostenpflichtig sein? Dadurch könnten allerdings weniger Verdienende systematisch vom Straßenverkehr ausgeschlossen werden. Könnten diese Verteilungskonflikte ausgleichen werden?
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- Awards
- Geomatik und Planung BSc

Matthias Andrews García receives the Prix LITRA for his work on time reduction potential through a continental-scale schedule optimisation of long-distance international passenger rail corridors in Europe. His bachelor thesis has been supervised by the Transportation Systems (TS) research group headed by Professor Francesco Corman.
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
- Past Events
- Mobility

Three days networking opportunities for planners, architects, engineers, but also academics, policy makers and engaged citizens to discuss the development of the city and its transport system.
6th Graduate Training School on Intelligent Systems and Control
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- Past Events

The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE) at the University of Cyprus in collaboration with the Imperial College London organizes a training school with emphasis on the monitoring, control and security of intelligent systems and networks.