Mobidrive - Dynamics and routines of travel behaviour
Rhythmics pilot study

Project details
external page BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research
external page PTV Group (Planung Transport Verkehrs AG)
external page ISB Chair and Institute of Urban and Transportation Planning, RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr. K.W. Axhausen, Dr. A. König and Dr. S. Schönfelder
The basic aim of the project was to capture the rhythms of daily life, both with respect to time use, but also with respect to spatial patterns. The empirical core of the project was a six-week travel diary, which was conducted with 360 persons in Karlsruhe and Halle. Once recruited, the respondents showed no fatigue in their trip reporting, which reproduced the locally known patterns with regards to mode choice, trip numbers and activity purposes.
The analysis of this data set, now complemented by a comparable data set from Switzerland (2003 Thurgau) has provided a whole range of new insights, for example into the shape and size of human activity spaces, the rate of behavioral innovation, the patterns of similarity between daily patterns, the importance of prior commitment to mobility tools and contact channels (mobile phone, e-mail) for travel. It has also allowed a whole range of new modelling methods to be tested, in particular complex discrete choice models accounting for temporal and spatial auto-correlations or the role of the time-space prisms. The data is freely available from the data archive of the Institute for further research.