Spending a few hours outdoors
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Professor Francesco Corman introduces himself and his research in a short interview by the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG).
Transport infrastructure for human powered mobility
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- Urban design

The Federal Council proposes clear regulations as well as efficient use of transport areas. The legislation for touristic electric bicycle use should be adapted, too.
The road of the future
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- Spatial planning
- Architecture

Mobility and sustainability on the Hönggerberg campus of ETH Zurich. A guided tour by Campus Services shows how the Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse is being redesigned.
It starts with a glance. How ETH researchers contribute to sustainable campus mobility
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- Urban design

They come to ETH Zurich almost daily by bike or e-bike. Three ETH transport researchers are investigating how an e-bike-friendly city works. They are also committed to a safe, sustainable, and CO2-reducing campus mobility at ETH Zurich.
How do the Swiss spend their time and money? A longitudinal smartphone diary study with GPS
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- Spatial planning

TimeUse+ is a novel survey methodology to collect data on individuals’ time use, trael, and expenditure behaviour to understand these shifts.
«smart moves»: Sustainably towards net zero
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- Mobility
In order to further improve the mobility infrastructure at ETH, we need your feedback. Please take part in our short survey.
Planning a city for bicycles
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- Mobility

The future belongs to the bicycle. But where should it go? It competes with public transport, cars and pedestrians for scarce space.
Energy-efficient optimization strategies for electric and connected mobility
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- Mobility

IVT - Seminar with Dr Antonio Sciarretta from IFPEN in Lyon on minimizing energy consumption for electric and non-electric vehicles.
E-Bike City Colloquium
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- Mobility

This colloquium will not only present the preliminary results, but also actively involve the participants in shaping the research questions from the D-BAUG lighthouse project E-Bike City conducted by its seven research groups. With various presentations and workshops, the researchers, experts and stakeholders will deepen their research topics and methods and, wherever possible, involve them in the research process.
Center for Sustainable Future Mobility
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- Sustainable Future Mobility

Symposium 2023 with Kristin Szadkowski (Volkswagen AG), Gianluca Ambrosetti (Synhelion SA), Roland Moser (SBB), Andreas Mehlhorn (Siemens Mobility) and researchers from ETH Zurich.
Visionary project for CO2-neutral transport in the city of Zurich
- E-Bike City
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- Mobility

How does one travel to work? By car? Or even by e-bike? The e-bike is an option that could become more important in the future—especially in view of the climate crisis.
Advances in transportation & Mobility planning
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- Mobility

Two-day seminar on design, new technologies, novel data sources, and equity for sustainable mobility systems.