Energy-efficient optimization strategies for electric and connected mobility
IVT - Seminar with Dr Antonio Sciarretta from IFPEN in Lyon on minimizing energy consumption for electric and non-electric vehicles.
IVT - Seminar
Date, time, and venue
Friday, 9 June 2023, 11:00-12:00
HIL F 10.3, Campus Hönggerberg, ETH Zurich
In this presentation, we will focus on some optimization-based strategies aimed at minimizing the energy consumption in both electric and non-electric vehicles. These strategies tackle several challenges, including finding the most energy-efficient route to reach a given destination considering real-time traffic and weather conditions (eco-routing), finding the most energy- and time-efficient trip planning including recharge stops, amounts to recharge at each stop, and average speeds to follow (eco-charging), and finding the instantaneous speed profiles to follow while considering the surrounding traffic constraints (eco-driving). We will discuss the mathematical formulation of these problems, solutions methods, and the practical implementation of the resulting strategies as web services or driver assistance systems. A few words on how cooperation between vehicles can further improve overall energy efficiency will end the presentation.
Dr. Antonio Sciarretta is a research engineer at IFP Energies Nouvelles. After a doctorate in thermal machines, he earned professorial habilitations in both control engineering and energy systems. Before and after joining IFPEN in 2006, he spent more than ten years at ETH Zurich as a postdoc and then as a lecturer. Currently, he is co-titular of the Tuck Foundation chair on electric, connected, and automated vehicles for the energy efficiency and the environmental impact at IFP School. At the same time, he is IFPEN R&I project portfolio manager in intelligent mobility controls. Author of around 100 scientific publications and several patent files, he also co-authored two Springer books, Vehicle Propulsion Systems (3 editions) with Lino Guzzella and Energy-Efficient Driving of Road Vehicles with Ardalan Vahidi.