Events 2020
Urban design and the technological shift in transportation
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Urban design

How can urban design steer the impacts of technological disruptions in the transport sector?
The impact of high speed rail on industry clustering and housing market
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- Past Events
- Mobility

Chang Zheng presents his research impacts of inter-city transportation (high-speed rail and highway) on urban growth in the Chinese context.
VR in research on cycling infrastructure
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Urban design

This webinar by Mohsen Nazemi introduces virtual reality (VR) as a method in research on cycling and discusses the application of PTV Vissim in creating 360-degree environments.
External events
Towards a "net-zero" mobility future: A systems point of view
- ISTP Colloquium
- Past Events
- Energy sciences
- Mobility

ISTP Colloquium with Professor Konstantinos Boulouchos focussing on energy supply and climate change mitigation options for worldwide and national transportation systems.
Using framing for disaster risk communication: Really so powerful?
- ISTP Colloquium
- Past Events
- Environmental sciences

ISTP Colloquium with Jan Freihardt and Romain Buchs about evidence from online survey experiments exploring the effects of framing in disaster risk communication.
Has the drive for transportation been thwarted?
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Professor Kay Axhausen about the lockdown and what is left from traffic behaviour.
Hell is other people: Social networks and the impossibility of informational self-determination
- ISTP Colloquium
- Past Events
- Social sciences

ISTP-Colloquium with Professor Ulrik Brandes, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich.
ETH-Klimarunde 2020
- External
- Past Events
- Sustainability
- Mobility

How has our mobility been influenced by the Corona crisis? And what can be learned from it in terms of sustainable mobility? Online table talk with Professor Kay Axhausen.
Pathways for advancing pesticide policies
- ISTP Colloquium
- Past Events
- Agricultural sciences
- Environmental sciences

ISTP-Colloquium with Professor Robert Finger, Agricultural Economics and Policy at the ETH Zurich.
Transit oriented development & micro mobility solutions for cities
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Swiss, Indian and Singaporean perspectives on urban planning, transportation policy and electric mobility. Panel with Professor Kay Axhausen.
Counteracting shifting baselines
- Past Events
- ISTP Colloquium
- Spatial planning
- Architecture

ISTP-Colloquium with Anne Graupner from 26’10 south Architects in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Sanctuary Cities in Europe? Urban Policies in Support of Irregular Migrants in Europe
- Past Events
- ISTP Colloquium
- Spatial planning

ISTP-Colloquium with Professor David Kaufmann who is Deputy Director of the Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development at ETH Zurich.
Can we go net-zero any time soon, and how?
- Past Events
- ISTP Colloquium
- Process engineering

ISTP-Colloquium with Professor Marco Mazzotti from the Institute of Process Engineering at ETH Zurich.
Can my activity choices be explained through what my friends offer? Exploring a Social Capital Theory of leisure activity
- External
- Past Events
- Behavioural sciences

Michael Maness (University of South Florida) about insights from social capital measures to build more socially and behaviorally realistic models in the CMC Online Seminar Series.
Modelling the dynamics of preference change
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- Past Events
- Behavioural sciences

Akshay Vij (University of South Australia) about the dynamics of preference change in the CMC Online Seminar Series.
Choice models with stochastic variables and random coefficients
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Behavioural sciences

Abdul R. Pinjari from the Indian Institute of Science examines the use of the integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) framework in the CMC Online Seminar Series.
Discrete choice meets discrete optimization
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Behavioural sciences

Emma Frejinger (Université de Montréal) on background on so-called recursive route choice models in the CMC Online Seminar Series.
Using choice modelling to inform maritime transport development in Southern Africa
- External
- Past Events
- Behavioural sciences

Abisai Konstantinus (CEO, Ndatara) about the suitability of choice modeling for maritime transport development in Africa in the CMC Online Seminar Series.
Choice experiments using virtual reality: Some lessons compared to traditional text and image experiments
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Behavioural sciences

Julian Arellana from the University Del Norte about benefits and drawbacks of using Virtual Reality (VR) for choice experiments in the CMS Online Seminar Series.
Smokers’ choices and addiction: A hybrid choice model approach in the US.
- External
- Past Events
- Behavioural sciences

John Buckell (University of Oxford) with David Hensher and Stephane Hess in the CMC Online Seminar Series.
Generative machine learning for discrete-continuous choice data
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- Past Events
- Mobility
- Behavioural sciences

Bilal Farooq from Ryerson University talks about large-scale discrete-continuous (MDC) choice data.
Some emerging research issues in ride-sourcing markets
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- Past Events
- Mobility

Emerging Mobility Systems and Services Seminar Series with Professor Hai Yang from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
The COVID-19 Pandemic: What does it mean for transportation and mobility?
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- Past Events
- Mobility

3 Revolutions Policy Webinar Series with Giovanni Circella, Dan Sperling, Lisa Snap, and Mollie Cohen D'Agostino discussing implications for the climate and for communities.
Micromobility in Switzerland: Demand and competition
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- Past Events
- Mobility

Kay W. Axhausen's webinar in the Emerging Mobility Systems and Services Seminar Series.
Risk and uncertainty in choice experiments using simulated experiences
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- Past Events
- Mobility
- Behavioural sciences

Michiel Bliemer from the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney Business School talks about risky and uncertain attributes in choice experiments.
Will farmers shoot the wolf?
- External
- Past Events
- Behavioural sciences

Jette Bredahl Jacobsen is professor at the University of Copenhagen in environmental and resource economics and talks about biodiversity and environmental use values.
A decade of research on vehicle ownership and use: Methods, results and impacts on U.S. policy making.
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Cinzia Cirillo from the University of Maryland in the new CMC Online Seminar Series covering aspects of choice modelling.
The impact of high speed rail on industry clustering and housing market
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- Past Events
- Mobility

Chang Zheng presents his research impacts of inter-city transportation (high-speed rail and highway) on urban growth in the Chinese context.
People-Environment Dynamics under COVID-19
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- Past Events
- Mobility

Forum with Kay W. Axhausen: Showcases and discussions on various environmental implications and mobility trends under COVID-19.
20th Swiss Transport Research Conference
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- Past Events
- Mobility

STRC 2020 ONLINE - Swiss transportation scientists' and spatial planners' annual conference.
Planetary Urbanisation: Decentering Perspectives on the Urban
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- Past Events
- Spatial planning

ISTP-Colloquium with Professor Christian Schmid from the Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich.
Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- External
- Past Events
- Imaging technology
- Computer and information technology

ISTP-Colloquium with Professor A. Kangarlu from the NYSPI MRI research center at Columbia University in New York City.
Understanding Human Behavior Through Digital Traces: The Case of Collective Emotions
- External
- Past Events
- Social sciences
- Behavioural sciences

ISTP-Colloquium with Dr David Garcia from the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna.