All projects
- chevron_right ANTIGONES: Designing anti-fragile large-scale traffic frameworks
- chevron_right ARTS: Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems
- chevron_right ASTRA BGT: Impact of AVs on tunnels (traffic safety and efficiency)
- chevron_right BikeZ: Model Suite for Mass Cycling as a Service Simulation
- chevron_right ConAuto: Traffic control in a connected and automated vehicle environment
- chevron_right CALog: Connected and automated technology changing Urban Logistics
- chevron_right CSV: Calibration Study for VISSIM
- chevron_right DIPLOMAT: DesIgn, oPtimization and controL Of urban MultimodAl sysTems
- chevron_right E-Bike City: Designing sustainable streets
- chevron_right Evaluation of Self-Control
- chevron_right Future traffic control beyond modes
- chevron_right INTERACTION: Traffic Flow at Uncontrolled Urban Intersections with Attention to Different Modes of Traffic
- chevron_right MacroPark: Macroscopic approach to evaluate the short-term effects of parking on urban traffic congestion
- chevron_right MULTITUDE: Methods and Tools for Supporting the Use of Calibration and Validation of Traffic Simulation Models
- chevron_right NetCap: Intermodal Capacity of Links, Segments, and Networks
- chevron_right NSM: Network Safety Management Tools
- chevron_right OptFlow: Travel-time estimation with FLIR cameras sensors
- chevron_right Platoon: Using Truck Platooning Strategies to Improve Real Time Highway Traffic Operations
- chevron_right RECCE: Real-time highway traffic estimation and control
- chevron_right SignBus: Using Additional Signals to Provide Priority to Buses at Signalized Intersections
- chevron_right SODA: Self-Organized, Distributed, and Adaptive Traffic Control
- chevron_right START: The use of sensitivity analysis in traffic model calibration
- chevron_right SPEED: Rethinking speed limits in urban networks
- chevron_right STEP: Short term prediction tools
- chevron_right TCBM: Traffic Control Beyond Modes
- chevron_right Time-to-Green
- chevron_right TERRAIN: Traffic OpERations on uRbAn grId Networks
- chevron_right WEAVE: Capacity and level of service for freeway weaving areas