Impact of AVs on tunnels
The aim of this study is to enable safe automated driving in tunnels of the Swiss motorways from a technical and operational view.

Rising traffic numbers and increasingly scarce traffic areas mean that the traffic of the future must become safer and more efficient. What do automated vehicles mean for special infrastructures such as road tunnels in the Swiss national road network? Will this have an impact on safety risks? Will there be new opportunities, and to what extent will technical and operational operations have to adapt to the new situation? Pilot/test routes are needed to enable automated driving. An important prerequisite for initial test applications under real traffic conditions is the identification of ideal routes. The research project is based on the hypothesis: Tunnels on high-performance roads (national roads) are predestined infrastructures for promoting highly and fully automated driving and lead to the following research questions:
- Are tunnels on high-performance roads fundamentally suitable for the introduction of automated driving?
- Are there any particular safety risks?
- Where is the potential?
- Is the existing BSA structure sufficient?
- Do new facilities have to be integrated?
- How must the technical and operational requirements for road tunnels be adapted?
- What are the ideal tunnel objects for the introduction of automated driving and
- where are they located in the Swiss national road network?