Travel-time estimation with FLIR cameras sensors

Accurate measuring of travel times

Enlarged view: Forward looking infrared camera (Copyright: Teledyne FLIR LLC )
Forward looking infrared camera (Copyright: Teledyne FLIR LLC)

Project details



Novel sensor technology represents a significant potential for traffic management in cities. Thermal cameras in particular have recently gained considerable importance and are now also to be used in the Traffic Management Department (DAV) of the City of Zurich. In this context, the determination of accurate travel times plays a central role, which is to be carried out much more precisely by means of thermal cameras than with the previously used sensor technology. Nevertheless, an efficient application will require a scientific investigation of the measurement accuracy, the required sensor density in the study area as well as the sensor positioning. In order to answer these open questions, this research project will focus on the determination of travel times.

The raw data provided by the sensors will be examined, travel times derived and compared with the evaluation software provided for the cameras and a comparative data set (GoogleTraffic, TomTom). In this way, it will be investigated for the DAV how accurately travel times can be measured with the current sensor density and positioning. In addition, the potential for improved traffic management through thermal imaging cameras is shown.


City of Zurich, Traffic Management Department

  • A. Genser
  • M. Makridis
  • A. Kouvelas

Final report

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