Events 2023
Visions and dilemmas
- Past Events
- Mobility

Professor Kay Axhausen's farewell lecture
Transport Planning – Where do we go now?
- Past Events
- Mobility

NSL Colloquium with transport planning researchers and practitioners to reflect on current issues.
Planning for the future of transport with agent-based modelling: The role of on-demand mobility services
- Past Events
- Mobility

Public dissertation presentation by Grace Kagho.
Uncertainty-aware predictions of train delay in real-time
- Past Events
- Mobility

Public dissertation presentation by Thomas Spanninger.
Complex approaches for resilient transport systems
- ETH Risk Center
- Past Events
- Transport Systems
- Mobility

IVT Seminar with Dr Steffen Blume from and Professor Deb Panja from Utrecht University, co-organized by the ETH Risk Center.
Parameter identification of commercially implemented ACC systems
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT Seminar with Professor Konstantinos Ampountolas from the University of Thessaly, Greece.
11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Political science
- Engineering sciences
- Economics

hEART 2023 - International forum for transportation researchers hosted at ETH Zurich.
Public Transportation: (Low) fares, equity and policy
- Past Events
- Mobility

Workshop at the 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation at ETH Zurich.
MATSim User Meeting
- Past Events
- Mobility

A full day meeting will be held at ETH Zurich in conjunction with the 11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2023).
Planning a city for bicycles
- Past Events
- Mobility

The future belongs to the bicycle. But where should it go? It competes with public transport, cars and pedestrians for scarce space.
Energy-efficient optimization strategies for electric and connected mobility
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT - Seminar with Dr Antonio Sciarretta from IFPEN in Lyon on minimizing energy consumption for electric and non-electric vehicles.
Advances in transportation & Mobility planning
- Past Events
- Mobility

Two-day seminar on design, new technologies, novel data sources, and equity for sustainable mobility systems.
Cycling in Switzerland
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT - Seminar with Professor Patrick Rérat of the University of Lausanne on cycling practice, planning and politics in Switzerland.
Redefining transport planning through a transport justice lens
- Past Events
- Mobility

IVT - Seminar with Professor Karel Martens, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) on new approaches towards transport planning.
External events
Urban resilience during the global pandemic
- External
- Past Events
- Urban design

ETH Risk Center's public Resilience Webinar with Dr Siqi Songi from the Singapore-ETH Center.
External costs of transport as a tool to achieve sustainable mobility
- External
- Past Events
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- CSFM Seminar Series

CSFM Seminar with Josephine Leuba and Nicole Mathys from the Federal Office For Spatial Development (ARE), as well as with Thomas Heck from the Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).
The future of mobility: The quest for smart and sustainable transportation systems
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

D-BAUG Spotlight Seminar Series with Dr Maria Laura Delle Monache from UC Berkeley.
Providing health care recommendations and innovative solutions to fight the coronavirus disease 2019
- News
- External
- Past Events

Do not miss the press conference from the Swiss National Sciene Foundation of the NRP 78 Covid-19 project which is going to be available as online stream on Tuesday 14 November at 9:30.
Insights on propagation of congestion in urban transportation networks
- ETH Risk Center
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Risk Center Seminar Series featuring Professor Meisam Akbarzadeh from the Isfahan University of Technology in Iran. He will talk about urban transportation systems which are prone to recurrent and non-recurrent congestions, and further he shows how to investigate patterns of congestion in real-world cities.
D-BAUG Research Day 2023
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

On 26 October 2023, the Association of Scientific Staff invites all students, researchers and professors to the department's annual “Meet & Share” event. Doctoral students from 10 Institutes will present selected case studies to illustrate the many ways in which research at D-BAUG helps engineer a more sustainable future. Keynotes will be given by Professors Eleni Chatzi and Max Maurer. Don't miss this exciting event and the apéro afterwards!
The transition to electric vehicles: Implications for public revenues and funding of roads
- External
- Past Events
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- CSFM Seminar Series

CSFM Seminar co-organized together with the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy featuring Bessie Noll from the Energy and Technology Policy Group (EPG), Dr Betsy Sandoval Guzman from the Vehicle Systems Group at Empa, Alessio Levis from the International Political Economy and Environmental Politics group (IPEEP), and Roman Rosenfellner from the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO).
Urban development, mobility, and transport: How can they really be coordinated?
- External
- ISTP Colloquium
- Past Events
- Mobility

ISTP Colloquium with Regina Witter from the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) where she is deputy head of agglomeration traffic.
1st ODTP Technical Workshop
- External
- Past Events
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- Digital Twin Workshop Series

The CSFM organizes the first technical workshop of the Open Digital Twin Platform (ODTP) of the Swiss Mobility System.
From conflict to romance: The science, policy, and sustainability of diamond traceability
- External
- ISTP Colloquium
- Past Events
- Ethics
- Political science

ISTP Colloquium with Dr Laurent Cartier from the Swiss Gemmological Institute (SSEF) about requirements on risks and transparency for mineral supply chains.
Data-driven and empirical research for emerging mixed traffic of automated vehicles and human-driven vehicles
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Workshop at the 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC-2023).
2023 SVI Research Symposium
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Ongoing research and results of recently completed projects from various transportation disciplines.
2023 IEEE International Conference on Digital Twin
- External
- Past Events
- Digital Twin Workshop Series

The CSFM is co-organizing IEEE Digital Twin 2023 as part of the Digital Twin Workshop Series.
Global Smart Cities Summit & 3rd International Conference on Urban Informatics
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Urban design
- Computer and information technology

The Global Smart Cities Summit & the 3rd International Conference on Urban Informatics (GSCS & ICUI 2023) will be held in Hong Kong on 20-23 August 2023.
Bridging Transportation Researchers Conference
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

At zero cost, and practically zero carbon, BTR brings transportation engineers, planners, and policymakers together globally by removing the burden of travel and joining each other online.
The road of the future
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning
- Architecture

Mobility and sustainability on the Hönggerberg campus of ETH Zurich. A guided tour by Campus Services shows how the Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse is being redesigned.
E-Bike City Colloquium
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

This colloquium will not only present the preliminary results, but also actively involve the participants in shaping the research questions from the D-BAUG lighthouse project E-Bike City conducted by its seven research groups. With various presentations and workshops, the researchers, experts and stakeholders will deepen their research topics and methods and, wherever possible, involve them in the research process.
Center for Sustainable Future Mobility
- External
- Past Events
- Sustainable Future Mobility

Symposium 2023 with Kristin Szadkowski (Volkswagen AG), Gianluca Ambrosetti (Synhelion SA), Roland Moser (SBB), Andreas Mehlhorn (Siemens Mobility) and researchers from ETH Zurich.
23rd Swiss Transport Research Conference
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility
- Spatial planning

Swiss transportation scientists' and spatial planners' annual conference
E-mobility for last/first mile: Fleet innovation and charging infrastructure needs
- External
- Past Events
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- CSFM Seminar Series

CSFM seminar with Dr Erik Wilhelm from Kyburz Switzerland and Professor Hua Cai from Purdue University on research on e-fleets.
Spatial data and data analytics for sustainable mobility
- External
- Past Events
- Sustainable Future Mobility
- CSFM Seminar Series

First CSFM seminar with Professor Martin Raubal from IKG ETH Zurich and Thomas Hettinger from SBB on spatial data and data analytics for sustainable mobility.
A method for economic benefits for re-allocating road space for cyclists
- External
- Past Events
- Mobility

Webinar with Dr Göktuğ Tenekeci and Dr Marc Semerding on the shift in travel patterns initiated by the new work from home culture in Birmingham.