Inverse optimization for routing problems

IVT Seminar with Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro from TU Delft.

Date, time, and venue

Tuesday, 4 June 2024 15:30-16:30
HIL F 36.1, ETH Hönggerberg, Zurich

No registration required. No attendance fee. This is a hybrid event which is available external pageonline, too.


Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro

Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro


In Inverse Optimization problems, a learning agent aims to learn how to mimic the behavior of an expert agent, which given an exogenous signal, returns an action. The underlying assumption is that in order to compute its action, the expert agent solves an optimization problem parametric in the exogenous signal. Therefore, given examples of exogenous signals and corresponding expert actions, the goal of the learner is to learn the cost function being optimized by the expert. In this talk, we will present fundamental concepts of Inverse Optimization and novel results, as well as applications to static and dynamic routing problems for the 2021 Amazon Last Mile Routing Research Challenge and the EURO Meets NeurIPS 2022 Vehicle Routing Competition.

Accompanying papers

  • Learning in Inverse Optimization: Incenter Cost, Augmented Suboptimality Loss, and Algorithms (DOI)
  • Inverse Optimization for Routing Problems (DOI)
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