E-Bike City Zurich: A vision for sustainable transport
How would an E-Bike City change our everyday lives and the cityscape? And to what extend could the emissions be reduced? Input and discussion with Mr Gondini Ragatz from the Klima-Grosseltern association and project coordinator Ms Catherine Elliot.

Date, time and venue
Wednesday, 28 August 2024, 18:00-20:00 (CET)
external page City of Zurich, Karl der Grosse, Kirchgasse 14, 8001 Zurich
Downloads and further information
- Download Presentation (PDF)
- external page ebikecity.ch - Storymap
- Project website
- Publications
- Presentation slides and posters
- external page Klima-Grosseltern
Dr. Catherine Elliot
I. f. Verkehrspl./Transportsysteme
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5