Some thoughts on the “smart city” and the role of first- and last mile transport in public transport networks
TMP Seminar with Professor Jeppe Rich from the Technical University of Denmark.

Date, time and venue
Thursday, 7 November 2024, 11.00
HIL F 36.1, Campus Hönggerberg, ETH Zurich
Jeppe Rich is Professor at the Technical University of Denmark in large-scale transport modelling across several transport domains. With a background in mathematics, econometrics, and planning, he delves into various quantitative transportation topics, including demand models, logistics, population synthesis, charging infrastructure planning, and assessments of infrastructure, car ownership, and bicycle demand.
He has been co-editor-in-chief of the newly stablished Elsevier-based Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research together with Professor Eva Heinen from ETH since March 2023.