IVT News Channel (EN)
MATSim User Meeting 2025
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- Events

A full day of MATSim will be held in conjunction with the 13th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2025) in Munich.
E-Bike City Results & Future
- E-Bike City
- Events

Join us on June 4, 2025 in the afternoon on Hönggerberg Campus, Zürich for the final event of the E-Bike City project followed by an aperitif. This event marks the culmination of an ambitious three-year D-BAUG lighthouse initiative, bringing together researchers from across the department.
25th Swiss Transport Research Conference
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The Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC) has been a cornerstone of multidisciplinary knowledge exchange and innovation in transportation and land use since 2001. Bringing together academics, researchers, and practitioners from Switzerland and beyond, STRC fosters collaboration and drives progress in all transportation-related fields.
Interested in shaping our future living environment?
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- Studies
- Education

Find out more about our Master of Science in Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems and possible careers in international logistics or passenger transportation companies, regional spatial planning offices, city administrations, or at ETH Zurich itself.
Mobility behavior and attitudes as determinants or effects of the spatial structure at the place of residence
- News

Katja Schimohr has successfully passed her doctoral examination at TU Dortmund University. She will now continue her research at the Institute of Transport Planning and Systems at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Profesor Eva Heinen.
Reduce – Shift – Enhance
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- News

ETH Professor Eva Heinen in an interview with SSREI about mobility issues and current developments in transportation technologies.
Innovation in Rail Infrastructure
- Seminars
- Past Events

IVT Seminar with Dr. Ingolf Nerlich from SBB AG, Dr. Patrick Braess from Track Management SA and Dr. Robert Wagner from SOB AG.
The dilemma of transport planning and a possible alternative urban vision
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- Past Events

MIT Mobility Forum Episode #134 with Professor Kay Axhausen on the future of transport policy.
Technological Perspectives and Scientific Challenges of Automatic Train Operation
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CSFM Seminar dedicated to exploring different technological perspectives and the remaining scientific questions around Automatic Train Operation
Measuring, modelling and simulation of cyclist route choice behavior
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- Doktorat D-BAUG

Public dissertation presentation by Adrian Meister.
The Student Sustainability Committee of ETH Zurich has organized a panel discussion on the motorway referendum. The panellists were Dr Marco Miotti (IfU), Lukas Ballo (IKG) and Kevin Riehl (IVT).
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- Past Events
- Mobility

The Student Sustainability Committee of ETH Zurich is organising a panel discussion on the motorway referendum. The panellists are Dr Marco Miotti (IfU), Lukas Ballo (IKG) and Kevin Riehl (IVT).
Main roads expansion will not reduce congestion
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The vote on the expansion of six sections of Swiss national roads at a cost of CHF 5.8 billion (including noise protection and treatment of road runoff) is the subject of controversial debate. Professor Eva Heinen, Dr Tasos Kouvelas and other mobility research experts give their views.
Some thoughts on the “smart city” and the role of first- and last mile transport in public transport networks
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- Mobility

TMP Seminar with Professor Jeppe Rich from the Technical University of Denmark.
Those who sow roads will reap traffic
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More and wider roads will not prevent traffic jams in medium to long term. Professor Eva Heinen explains the research situation at ETH Zurich.
Swiss railway and motorway paradise
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Because of the increasing mobility of the population some motorways in Switzerland are overloaded on a daily basis. Almost 50,000 hours of congestion were counted last year. Dr Anastasios Kouvelas from the Traffic Engineering Research Group (SVT) explains problems and possible solutions.
Coordinated traffic control for highway systems
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- Doktorat D-BAUG

Public dissertation presentation by Kimia Chavoshi Boroujeni.
FEDRO's expansion plans are being critizised by transport planners
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- Media

Im November stimmt die Schweiz über sechs neue Autobahn-Ausbauprojekte für rund fünf Milliarden Franken ab. Verkehrsplaner haben sich per Öffentlichkeitsgesetz Zugang zu den Projekt-Unterlagen verschafft und sind dabei auf erstaunliche Details gestossen, die den Nutzen dieser Projekte in Frage stellt. Was sagt das Bundesamt für Strassen ASTRA dazu?
Mobility, transportation, sustainable development, spatial planning and health
- News

Eva Heinen has been Professor of Transportation and Mobility Planning in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering at ETH Zurich since July 2024. Her interdisciplinary research looks at mobility and transportation at the intersection of sustainable development, spatial planning and health.
Equitable urban traffic management systems with Karma congestion pricing
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- External

Most cities do not charge for driving. Do you think that is fair? It causes externalities such as noise and pollution to residents and shops. In peak-hours of congestion, valuable life time, money, and fuel are wasted. Do you think driving in the city should be priced? Do you that is fair? This might systematically exclude the poor from the streets. How can we balance these distributional conflicts?
- News
- Awards
- Geomatik und Planung BSc

Matthias Andrews García receives the Prix LITRA for his work on time reduction potential through a continental-scale schedule optimisation of long-distance international passenger rail corridors in Europe. His bachelor thesis has been supervised by the Transportation Systems (TS) research group headed by Professor Francesco Corman.
NSL Forum & Cycling Research Board
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- Mobility

Three days networking opportunities for planners, architects, engineers, but also academics, policy makers and engaged citizens to discuss the development of the city and its transport system.
6th Graduate Training School on Intelligent Systems and Control
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The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE) at the University of Cyprus in collaboration with the Imperial College London organizes a training school with emphasis on the monitoring, control and security of intelligent systems and networks.
E-Bike City Zurich: A vision for sustainable transport
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- E-Bike City
- Past Events

How would an E-Bike City change our everyday lives and the cityscape? And to what extend could the emissions be reduced? Input and discussion with Mr Gondini Ragatz from the Klima-Grosseltern association and project coordinator Ms Catherine Elliot.
The conservation of risk: Insights from Einstein at ETH Zurich
- Seminars
- ETH Risk Center
- Past Events

Joint IVT + Risk Seminar with Professor Morteza Bagheri from the Transportation Systems and Logistics Lab (TSL) at Iran University of Science and Technology.
IATBR Lifetime Achievement Award
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- Awards

Professor Kay Axhausen received the IATBR Lifetime Achievement Award for fundamental and sustained contributions to travel behaviour research and influenced transportists through his writings, teaching, service and nurturing of younger professionals.
Human powered mobility made in Switzerland
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- E-Bike City
- Media

Plans for a national walking strategy are currently being discussed in Germany. The Swiss have been pursuing such a strategy already for over 20 years. What is the success rate?
Exchange in transport sciences Switzerland-Japan
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- Past Events

IVT Seminar with Professor Fumitaka Kurauchi and Du Ran from Gifu University, Professor Hiroe Ando from Kumamoto University and Professor Satoshi Sugiura from Hokkaido University.
MATSim User Meeting 2024
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- Mobility

A full day of MATSim will be held in conjunction with the 12th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART 2024) in Helsinki.
Advancing urban mobility - Emphasising walking and cycling
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Free webinar with Meredith Glaser from Ghent University, John Pritchard from the International Transport Forum (ITF), and Orla Campbell who is Head of Regions at Active Travel England.
Inverse optimization for routing problems
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- Mobility

IVT Seminar with Pedro Zattoni Scroccaro from TU Delft.
Dynamic data driven approaches for stochastic delay propagation avoidance in railways (DADA)
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- Mobility

Closing event featuring Professor Franceso Corman, Dr. Thomas Spanninger, Matej Jusup, Viera Klasovitá and Dr. Bernardo Martin-Iradi from ETH Zurich, Professor Alessio Trivella from the University of Twente and Dr. Mayra Bermudez from SBB.
Innovative mobility solutions
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The city of Zurich aims to reduce car traffic to 20 per cent and increase public transport, walking and cycling to a total of 80 per cent. Public transport is prioritized in the city of Zurich. This and other mobility solutions can be found in the research project Compass: Development and change processes for everyday mobility in regional future labs.
How cycling advocates want to get off the defensive
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- E-Bike City
- Media

Supporters of the mobility transition do not want to be the car-haters anymore and deprive driving pleasures and parking spaces. Cycling pays off for commuters and businesses, they argue.
CSFM Symposium 2024
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The CSFM Symposium will address the importance of promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration among all stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions for the mobility system.
Traffic safety impact and user acceptance of the smart connected bike
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- Past Events

IVT Seminar with Georgios Kapousizis from the University of Twente.
24th Swiss Transport Research Conference
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- Mobility
- Spatial planning

Swiss transportation scientists' and spatial planners' annual conference.
A profile likelihood approach for detecting and avoiding poor local optima in choice model estimation
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- Mobility

IVT Seminar with Professor Stefan Hess from the University of Leeds.
Dynamic mobile sensing for resilient transportation infrastructures
- ETH Risk Center
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- Past Events

ETH Risk Center Resilience Webinar with Dr Xudong Jian from the FRS Singapore-ETH Center.
The German experiment with low flat rates for public transport: An economic and political evaluation
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- Mobility

IVT Seminar with Professor Tom Reinhold from traffiQ in Frankfurt.
Traffic congestion on Swiss roads: Recepies against gridlock
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Kevin Riehl explains the phenomenon of phantom traffic jam and Lukas Ambühl gives us a look into the future.
Life is not fair
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- Awards

Kevin Riehl is discussing the importance of finding a socially feasible balance between efficiency and fairness when designing traffic demand policy for the road. And he wins the FameLab semifinal competition 2024. Congratulations!
Street fight
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- E-Bike City

The bicycle was once the number one means of transportation until it was pushed to the brink of insignificance by the car. Now the bicycle is back and has more political weight than it has been for a long time.
Envisioning a cycling-centric future: Urban traffic modeling and management for a bi-modal network
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- E-Bike City
- External

Allocating dedicated road space to slow modes is considered an effective way toward a radical modal shift. By exploiting traffic flow theoretical knowledge, convenient models can be developed to help evaluate the influence of such a large-scale transformation on network traffic performance. Novel strategies for bi-modal urban traffic management can also be proposed to solve congestion.
Lessons from the design of integrated on-demand transit systems in two cities
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- Mobility

IVT Seminar with Professor Greg Erhardt from the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
Factors influencing the adoption and charging of electric vehicles
- CSFM Seminar Series
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CSFM Seminar co-organized with the Center for Energy Policy and Economics (CEPE) looking at latest research on factors influencing the adoption and charging of electric vehicles.
How will the railway look like in 2050?
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- Mobility

Many aspects contribute to the further development of the technologies, but no single game changer could be identified. Developments are expected in automation; revolutionary changes are perceived as unlikely.
Optimization of shared on-demand transportation
- Online events
- Mobility
- Doktorat D-BAUG

Public dissertation presentation by Zahra Ghandeharioun.
Bicycle quarrel: Who owns the road?
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- E-Bike City
- External

Cycling is an important part of the mobility transition. However, there is a lack of space for safe road usage whether on foot, by bike or in a car.
E-Bike City: A vision of future road traffic
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- E-Bike City
- External

What would happen if we radically redistributed road space in our cities? The 'E-Bike City' project at ETH Zurich is investigating this question.
Railway Summer Camp 2024
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- Mobility
- Civil engineering
Interested in the railway system? Engineers give students an insight into the railway industry. Register now!