Externe Arbeitsberichte und Veröffentlichungen
O0045 - Axhausen, K.W. (1992) “EUROTOPP: Background and Framework”.Paper presented at the EUROTOPP In-Depth Technical Audit, paper presented at the EUROTOPP In-Depth Technical Audit, Brussels, 1992. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0044 - Axhausen, K.W. (1991) Strassengebühren und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten, paper presented at the Vertiefertreffen des Instituts für Verkehrswesen der Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, February 1991. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0043 - Axhausen, K.W., A. Ayerbe, M. Bannelier, E. von Berkum, M. Billotte, P.B. Goodwin, M. Herry, H. Katteler, P. van der Mede, H. Meurs, J.W. Polak, R. Schwarzmann, D. Selva, A. Yune and D. Zumkeller (1991) EUROTOPP - Towards a dynamic and activity-based modelling framework, paper presented at the DRIVE Conference, Brussels, 1991. R-Collectioncall_made
O0042 - Axhausen, K.W. and P.B. Goodwin (1991) EUROTOPP - Implementing a dynamic and information sensitive modelling framework, paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Travel Behaviour, Quebec, June 1991. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0040 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1991) Transportation planning: Activity-based approach, in Papageorgiou, M. (ed.) Concise Encyclopedia of Traffic & Transportation Systems, 564–569, Pergamon Press, . R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0039 - Axhausen, K.W. (1991) Eine ereignisorientierte Simulation von Aktivitätenketten, paper to be presented at the Sitzung des Arbeitsausschusses 1.11 “Erhebung und Vorausschätzung des Verkehrs”, Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen, Köln, Accepted: 2017-06-09T06:42:07Z. R-Collectioncall_made
O0038 - Polak, J.W., I.C. Hilton, K.W. Axhausen and W. Young (1991) Parking guidance and information systems: A European review, The Parking Professional, 2, 16–34. R-Collectioncall_made
O0037 - Axhausen, K.W., A. Ayerbe, M. Bannelier, M. Berkum, M. Billotte, P.B. Goodwin, M. Berry, H. Katteler, P. van de Mede, H. Meurs, J.W. Polak, R. Schwarzmann, D. Selva, A. Yune and D. Zumkeller (1991) Advanced Telematics in Road Transport, paper presented at the DRIVE Conference, Brussels, February 1991. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0036 - Boltze, M., K.W. Axhausen and P. May (1991) Modelle zur Optimierung der Lichtsignalsteuerung: Stand der Entwicklung von TRANSYT, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0035 - Axhausen, K.W. and P.M. Jones (1991) Straßengebühren - Ein Instrument des Verkehrsmanagements, Bauwelt, 82 (12) 606–613. R-Collectioncall_made
O0034 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1991) Choice of parking: Stated preference experiments, Transportation, 18 (1) 59–81. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0032 - Axhausen, K.W. (1991) Another form of captivity for modal choice: note, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0031 - Axhausen, K.W. (1991) Potential of pocket sized computers in travel surveys: Pilot study, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0028 - Axhausen, K.W. (1990) Note on J. Roberts (1989) “User-friendly cities: What Britain can learn from mainland Europe” and C. Hass-Klau (1990) “The theory and practice of traffic calming: Can Britain learn from the German experience?,” R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0027 - Polak, J.W. and K.W. Axhausen (1990) Driving simulators and behavioural travel research, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0026 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1990) An exploration of parking search strategies, Oxford University, Hatfield. R-Collectioncall_made
O0025 - Boltze, M., K.W. Axhausen and P. May (1990) Modelle zur Optimierung der Lichtsignalsteuerung: Stand der Entwicklung von TRANSYT: Teilentwurf, Oxford University, Frankfurt and Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0024 - Young, W., J.W. Polak and K.W. Axhausen (1990) Developments in parking policy and management, Rees Jeffreys Road Fund, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made
O0023 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1990) The choice of parking type: Evidence from stated preference experiments in the United Kingdom and Germany, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0022 - Polak, J.W. and K.W. Axhausen (1990) The choice of mode and parking in Birmingham: Initial model estimation results - third interim report to Birmingham City Council, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0021 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1990) EURONETT modelling: A EUROTOPP perspective, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0020 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1990) The implications of parking Search behaviour for parking demand management, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0019 - Polak, J.W., K.W. Axhausen and T. Errington (1990) The application of CLAMP to the analysis of Parking Policy in Birmingham City Centre, paper presented at the PTRC Summer Annual Meeting, Brighton, September 1990. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0018 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1990) Parkraummanagement und Parkplatzsuche: Einige Überlegungen zu den Wechselwirkungen (The implications of parking search behaviour for parking management), in Neue Konzepte Für Den Fliessenden Und Ruhenden Verkehr : Tagung Wolfsburg, 27. Und 29. November 1990 = New Concepts for Traffic Flow and Parking Management, 247–271, VDI-Verlag, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made
O0017 - Axhausen, K.W. (1990) Licence acquisition and holding in the Netherlands: Proposal, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0016 - Polak, J.W. and K.W. Axhausen (1990) Parking search behaviour: A review of current research and future prospects, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made
O0014 - Axhausen, K.W. (1990) Judging the day: A synthesis of the literature on measuring the utility of activity patterns, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0013 - Axhausen, K.W. (1990) The role of computer-based role-playing in travel behaviour analysis, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0012 - Axhausen, K.W. (1990) Household and individual activity scheduling: Review and research directions, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0011 - Axhausen, K.W. (1990) A simultaneous simulation of activity chains, in Jones, P.M. (ed.) New Approaches in Dynamic and Activity-Based Approaches to Travel Analysis, 206–225, Avebury, Aldershot. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0010 - Axhausen, K.W., A. Ayerbe, M. Bannelier, E. von Berkum, M. Billote, P.B. Goodwin, M. Berry, H. Katteler, P. van de Mede, H. Meurs, J.W. Polak, R. Schwarzmann, D. Selva, A. Yune and D. Zumkeller (1990) EUROTOPP: Towards a dynamic and activity-based modelling framework, paper presented at the DRIVE Conference, Brussels, November 1990. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O0009 - Polak, J.W., I.C. Hilton, K.W. Axhausen and W. Young (1990) Parking guidance systems: Current practice and future prospects, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford and Monash University, Oxford and Melbourne. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O008 - Axhausen, K.W. (1990) EUROTOPP Technical Audit 1990, paper to be presented at the Eurotopp Consortium, Brussels, Accepted: 2017-06-09T23:44:38Z. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O007 - Polak, J.W., I.C. Hilton, K.W. Axhausen and W. Young (1990) Parking guidance and information systems: performance and capability, Traffic engineering & control, 31 (10) 519–524. R-Collectioncall_made
O004 - Axhausen, K.W. and J.W. Polak (1989) The case for an activity-based EUROTOPP model, paper presented at the EUROTOPP Consortium Meeting 1989, Oxford, 1989. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O003 - Axhausen, K.W. (1989) Wem wird geholfen?: Parkleitsysteme und Suchstrategien, Transport Studies Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O002 - Polak, J.W. and K.W. Axhausen (1989) The role of parking search strategies in understanding parking behaviour, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made Downloadvertical_align_bottom
O001 - Polak, J.W. and K.W. Axhausen (1989) The Birmingham CLAMP Stated Preference Survey: Second Interim Report to Birmingham City Council, Oxford University, Oxford. R-Collectioncall_made